Abstract submission

Abstracts must be written in English. The length of the abstract needs to be between and 170 and 450 words. Keywords and References must be included.
Title of Abstract [Arial 14 point, bold, centred]
Author Name(s) [Arial, 12 points, bold, centred] e.g. Name Surname1, Name Surname2...
Name of Institution for each author [Arial, 10 point, normal, centred]
Country for each author [Arial, 10 point, normal, centred]
E-mail for each author [Arial, 10 point, italic, centred]
e.g. University of Florence, Italy (science@pixel-online.net)
The text of the abstract should be minimum 270 words and maximum 550 words including keywords. 
Please do not use headers and footnotes.
Keyword Please indicate from 2 to 6 keywords [Arial, 10 point, italic]
Deadline for submitting abstracts: 5 December 2023